Home Appalachian Trail Meeting Miss Janet

Meeting Miss Janet

by Ashli

This week Mac, Tinder, Birch and I celebrated hitting the 300 mile mark as well as our one month anniversary of being on the trail! Our pace has picked up considerably in the last few weeks, we have gone 100 miles in 11 days and we plan to do the next 100 miles in about 9 days.

Our success, however, is not without a few hiccups. Almost immediately after hitting mile 300, Tinder realized something wasn’t right. After a rough night we decided that he was extremely dehydrated and possibly heat exhausted. Mac, Birch and I took as much pack weight from him as we could and began a 9 mile hike to the closest road.

Luckily Tinder is a damn animal and we could barely keep up with him as he set a record pace for the last 3 miles (55 minutes!). It took us all day but we finally settled into a hotel in Erwin, TN by around 5pm.

Over the next day and a half we took care of our chores including laundry and resupply. The town of Erwin is not very large, but it is very spread out for someone without a vehicle. The first night in town we walked over a mile to do our laundry and get some grub. As we wearily lugged our laundry, a few pounds of Chinese food, and of course, a case of beer back in the direction of the hotel, we prayed for a kind soul to take pity on us and offer a ride. And that’s when we met Miss Janet.

There are a few people of lore on the Appalachian Trail who, if you spend enough time on the trail, you are bound to meet. The first time I heard about Miss Janet was during our second week on the trail.

Have you met Miss Janet? No? … You will.


I whipped my head around to the sound a car horn straight out of the cartoons.

Y’all need a ride?

Miss Janet’s smiling face welcomed us aboard her Mystery Machine.


As we rode, Miss Janet introduced herself. She has been involved with the AT since she was a teenager. She used to own and operate a hiker hostel in Erwin, but has since decided that every year she would follow the trail north, helping hikers along the way.


The following morning Miss Janet swung by our hotel to take some hikers to a nearby Walmart.


It was around noon when we pulled into the parking lot.

will you wait for us here?

One hiker asked nervously, not wanting to be left behind.

I’m gonna wait right here

said Miss Janet.

I learned my lesson early on, getting all you hikers together is like herdin’ cats.


Miss Janet doesn’t charge for rides but she does take tips. In addition, Mac volunteered to wipe down the windshield.


The van was plastered inside and out with stickers and writings from previous passengers.



We rode along as she took everyone where they wanted to go, and eventually came back to our hotel. I doubt this is the last time we will see Miss Janet, as she plans to travel up the trail with the large group of hikers encircling us.

In a short time we will be in Damascus, VA for Trail Days, the largest festival celebrating the trail. Miss Janet along with many other trail celebrities will be in attendance.

We hope to get back on the trail in the morning. Onward to Trail Days!

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